2013: The Year of No Resolutions

The New Year is here, and that means I’ll be fighting for time on the treadmill all of January when a slew of new ‘gym rats’ buy memberships to fulfill their resolutions.

At least most of them will be gone by February!

While most people make resolutions to become healthier, fitter, happier, more balanced etc… I try to avoid the R word; this year I have decided to make a bucket list instead.

I am already pretty healthy and fit, though there’s always improvements in that category, and going to the gym is not a chore for me so I don’t really need any work in that department.

Here are the 10 things I’d really like to accomplish this year (in no particular order):

  1. Participate in Hockey Helps the Homeless (There’s an upcoming tournament in Ottawa in March)
  2. Be proud of being a woman! I’d like to help charities related to female empowerment and get involved with Because I am a Girl & International Day of the Girl 
  3. Run a half marathon (I may be shooting a little high with this one as my chronic knee issues don’t like me running long distances/lengthy times, but it’s something I have always wanted to try doing)
  4. Participate in at least one of the obstacle course/relay races coming to town (Warrior Dash/Army Run etc…)
  5. See Luke Bryan and Brad Paisley live (there’s a bunch more but these are top priority)
  6. Become certified as a Personal Training Specialist and begin certification for Nutrition and Wellness Specialist
  7. Find a fitness related fundraising event dedicated to Brain Cancer research and participate
  8. Stop biting my nails! I’ve been biting them since I was a toddler; I stopped biting them August-October but started biting them again recently
  9. Buy our first house
  10. Find a gym that offers GOOD kickboxing classes and start going 1-2 times a week again

The great thing about this bucket list is that more than half of it is requires me to stay fit in order to participate, so by default I will have more motivation to workout, thus staying healthy.

Good luck to all of those who did make New Year’s Resolutions; I hope 2013 is your best year yet!